It was the first snow of the year, and the air was filled with the excitement of the season. Kids bundled up in their winter coats and hats, running around in the fresh snow, trying to make the first snowman of the season. As the sun gleamed in the sky, they laughed and giggled as they gathered the snow together to form their snowman. They carefully packed the snow, making sure that the snowman was round and even. After much hard work, they added some sticks for the arms and a big red scarf for a splash of color. Finally, they added a carrot for the nose and two stones for eyes, and the first snowman of the year was complete. As the kids stood back and admired their work, they were amazed at how the snowman brought the joy of the season to life. The snowman stood tall, a symbol of the start of a new winter season. It was the first snowman of the year, and it was a magical and special moment for all those who witnessed it.
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